Our menu is dedicated to two dear men who, driven by the need for a better life, were forced to leave their land; beginning their journey to what was known as the New World.

They left behind their parents and siblings, hoping to survive the misery of the post-war era. After traveling more than 5,000 nautical miles, they saw land in the port of La Guaira, Venezuela, where they landed in 1952. With nothing but their worn-out trousers and old shoes, hoping for a new life, they went out into this New World with the desire to work and forge a promising future. To these two great men, pillars of the De Grazia family, we pay homage by dedicating this menu, in honor of their courage.

This is for you, Zio Carmelo and Zio Rocco, we hope that this token of gratitude expresses all the love that we feel - the more than 350 members that today make up the De Grazia family.

May God bless you and have you in His holy glory.


our history

La Fontana is a family company created in 1980 by Palmerino and Nahir De Grazia delivering fresh food, made from scratch with a consistent service to make you feel like in an italian home.

Today La Fontana’s methods have pass down three generations expanding in Latin America and United States.



We promise an intimate and relaxed dining experience that offers something different to local and foreign patrons and ensures you enjoy a memorable food experience every time.

Discover the menu

Developing this menu has been for us an exciting and creative journey that has transported us to the kitchens of our mothers and grandmothers, where flavors and aromas have always been a demonstration of love when providing others through each recipe.


Large families have the advantage of utilizing each family member's strengths in daily life to grow up. That is our goal, to grow as a team and make each of the members of our team grow, to go far and so that each one becomes a professional of height. Be part of our family and part of a community that grows every day to go further.
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